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Working Bee

Working Bee
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If I were Commander of the Military
Or U.S. Defence Secretary
I’d tell all the armies
From all the different countries
To lay down their weapons
For a working bee

If they put back all the trees,
Clean up the seven seas
Work together every day,
They’d be such good friends
That they’d throw
All their weapons away

If I were King
And you were Prime Minister,
If I were President
And you were Queen
We’d ask all the people
From all the different countries
To lay down their worries
For a working bee

If we put back all the trees,
Clean up the seven seas
Work together everyday,
We’d find in the end
That we washed
All our worries away

If I were King
And you were Prime Minister
If I were President
And you were Queen
If I were Commander
Of the Military
The U.S. Defence Secretary
Emporor, Duchess,
Duke or Emporess
Premier, President,
King or Queen
We’d ask all the people
From all the different countries
To lay down their worries
For a working bee
Yeah, oh yeah

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